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Soft Drinks /

Tavrichesky Astringent Sugar-Free Carbonated Drink

This astringent refreshing drink (0 kcal) is infused with citruses, and natural sugar substitute – Crimean stevia, with an adding of natural extracts of juniper and spices.

  • Ingredients: water, edible citric acid; infusions of lemon, orange, tangerine; natural extracts of stevia, bay leaf, nettle, coriander, juniper, black walnut, beta-carotene
  • Nutrition facts: total carbohydrate 0 g/100 cm3
  • Energy: 0 kcal/100 cm3
  • Shelf life: 180 days in any temperature between +6 and +18°С
  • GOST (Russian State Standard - refers to a set of International Standards. Works since USSR)28188-2014
  • Volume: 1.5 litres PET; barcode: 4607969600133; multiple package: 6 pieces 
  • Volume: 0,45 litre PET; barcode: 4607969600157; multiple package: 10 pieces