Monastery Pryanik

  • Ingredients: wheat flour of the highest quality, sugar, fruit marmalade, honey, sunflower oil, cinnamon, drinking soda
  • Nutrition facts: protein 7.4 g, fat 6.4 g, total carbohydrate 70.0 g/100 cm3
  • Energy: 362 kcal/100 cm3
  • Storage conditions: any temperature between +6 and +15°С with relative humidity no more than 75%
  • Shelf life: 20 days
  • GOST (Russian State Standard - refers to a set of International Standards. Works since USSR)15810-96
  • Weight: 180 g
  • Barcode: 4627096120526

This lenten gingerbread is made only with natural products according to ancient Lavrovsky’s recipe.

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